Why Secured Loans & Alternative Lenders Should Not Be Considered the Last Resort

By Paul Fenton, Managing Director of Structured Finance


A common misconception with secured loans is that it should be the last resort to a funding solution. Wrong. As an alternative lender, with our experienced credit team, competitive pricing, fast decisions, flexible products/payment terms and appetite to support brand new and established SMEs, we should be at the forefront of a client’s plans when it comes to seeking financing. Whilst the High Street and Banks may take a long time to make a decision on an application or just have no appetite to support the SME market, we are open for business and ready to support them on a daily basis. With a fast and flexible expert team at 4Syte, we say yes to many deals where others say no.

Alternative lenders as a whole have come to the forefront of lending to businesses that would normally go to their bank manager. Indeed, the role of the bank manager has now more or less disappeared, leaving clients with no one to talk to regarding their current position and future plans. 4Syte has very much taken on the role of the bank manager, and we talk to our introducers and clients on a daily basis. With a multitude of different products, 4Syte takes the time to understand the clients’ requirements and find the correct solutions for them whether it is business expansion, working capital or debt consolidation to name a few. We offer a service that you won’t find on an algorithm or call centre, with a highly experienced team that understands business and business requirements.

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Secured Lending

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